Manager: In ALL cases if someone uses vanilla javascript to do something instead of a library then that is a sign they are an ABSOLUTE BEGINNER!!!

Dev: …

  • 15
    See you in dependency hell manager man.

    Not even members of the npm church would be so dumb
  • 20
    Using modulo to check for even numbers?

    Fuck you.

  • 13
    @swagnette And here is the source code for that package. https://github.com/i-voted-for-trum...

    'use strict';

    var isOdd = require('is-odd');

    module.exports = function isEven(i) {

    return !isOdd(i);


    The description of the repo says this was a learning project rather than a serious library though.
  • 8
    Alrighty then.
    If I catch you using a js keyword like "try" or "catch", or god forbid "function", then what?
  • 7
    Is this a manager who wrote something in VBA and is now expert on all programming?
  • 3
    Reminds me one colleague who asked me once:

    A: Why you using jQuery, it is dead.

    B: This is WordPress, jQuery is already in there.

    A: You can use whatever you want.

    B: Deep truth, i want use what is already in there.
  • 2
    @nitnip that was a perfect lesson on what to not do
  • 1
    @electrineer How do you cancel a push?
  • 1
    Unnecessary libraries lead to complexity. Making simple problems complex, and then using even more complex solutions to solve the inflated complexity is the sign of a successful IT Manager.
  • 1
    @swagnette I can't "even"... I can't "odd" either...
  • 1
    @electrineer to be fair, if his github bio is to be trusted, he's gone on to fully commit to open source and participates in a lot of stuff after learning to program in his late thirties.

    Despite how memey is-even and is-odd are, it's very respectable.
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