
How you guys started this dev shit journey?

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    I was always interested in computers one of my first teachers had told me that I'm going to follow this freaking journey never gave him too much thought and didn't like it, he passed me on program classes I don't know why and he didn't even like me with me not even answered the questions right!

    one day my father stop me from actually following another path so he is probably the reason, but it's all cool I kind of liked it anyways.
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    @urRU ^^ I can't believe that comment is only 2 sentences.
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    @netikras whats your story 🤔, but you are right he slam the brakes on hes car that time i forgot that.
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    I was big into flash animations and flash games as a kid. Mainly the stick figure ones (anyone remembers SFDT?). At first I was just doing some shitty animations but then I started playing more games and wanted to do that too. So I started with ActionScript 1.0 and made bunch of dressing games, shooting games, interactive adventures... all mostly with really shitty graphics but I enjoyed making them anyway.

    Went through AS1 AS2 and AS3 and then moved to VisualBasic, then C# and finally C/C++ and it just blew up from there and I knew this is something I'm good at and I that I want to continue doing
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    @urRU Kids dream of how they'll be astronauts, racers, pilots,.... I always dreamed of how I'll be an inventor. For as long as I remember that was my dream. I used to create my own toys our of scrap. It's not that I didn't have real toys... It was just a lot more fun to create my own. Spaceships, vehicles, guns, etc.

    When we got a PC I didn't care much for development. It was pre-Win3.1 after all. But since Win95 I was fascinated by programs and how cool must it be to be able to create them yourself.. merely knowing how to do it enables you to build your own programs, however you like. Amazing!

    Then puberty and all the related confusion kicked in and I started my studies NOT in IT field. After 5 years I terminated my studies and switched to SW engg, because now I knew that is what I love doing and it felt just right for me. Years later I can tell, it was the right choice. It's my calling.
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    I can't remember. For all I know my impulsiveness and lack of sanity could propel me into wanting to become a lumberjack tomorrow.
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    Long time ago I wanted to create my first web app. I started from installing various CMS systems but shortly understood that Im very limited by just installing things. So then I decided to step my foot into this deep, never ending hole.
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    It was the era of Macromedia Dreamweaver (not Adobe) and Macromedia Flash, and IE5/6

    Oh those were days of creativity.
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    my high school had a joined technical course, so we'd leave with 2 diplomas by adding one more year to the curriculum. the school has a really good reputation, so i entered despite the technical stuff, ended up enjoying it, and since it pays well enough 🤷
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    There's actually a weekly rant topic on this, you may check it out
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