How do you speed up a windows 11 laptop?

  • 19
    Install barebones Linux on it instead 🙃
  • 15
    Climb on the roof of a tall building and drop it off the edge.
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    @iiii wish I could, it’s one I use for University and they want me using windows
  • 2
    @electrineer 😂 sounds like good advice, it’s the computer that I had to fully reset. At least it doesn’t have bitlocker anymore that I didn’t have the key for
  • 5
    put it into particle accelerator
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  • 2
    Attach some wheels on it. Riding it will be much faster than rolling or sliding.
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    Speed holes!
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    You don't.
  • 4
    Paint some fast racing stripes on it :)
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    I'm serious. Uninstall it. Fuck your universities opinion
  • 3
    I was expecting funny anti-Windows11 comments. I wasn’t disappointed 😁
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    @adamjkeith what kind of university forces you to use Windows?
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    Install Linux
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    move slowly, so laptop looks faster
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    Run it on low graphics, this actually helps
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    if you have to use windows, make a VM.
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    also paint it red.
    red things just go faster
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    besides that
    install CCleaner to see what is installed and whats in the autostart. Then cleanse that. (Trash like McAffee preinstalled? every videoapp and storageapp on startUp?)

    dig through the energy settings (up to Win10 there was still that old lil window with lots of collapsible parts) give everythin MAX Performance or so

    If you're allowed to open maybe toss some more RAM in
    and if the Fans sound hard working maybe clean them. Maybe with compressed air
    (is reappling thermal past still a thing?)
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    Back on Win2000 it was also possible to mount an USB as RAM extension ... I have no idea if thats still a thing
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    @Lensflare one where I’m doing Computer Software Solutions. They want me to use Windows as I did ask
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    @adamjkeith I had the impression that they forced you to use Windows but the phrase that you showed is more a suggestion. In that case it is ok I guess.
    It would be strange otherwise.
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    @Jedidja later versions had ReadyBoost, but it was more of a disk cache AFAIK. That's still related as it reduces the penalty if disk content falls off the cache in ram (SuperFetch?)
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    @electrineer yes, ReadyBoost - I never knew it's actually a disc cache
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    Crack could help
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    Install as much RAM as it will accept, maybe?
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