
The popups on websites pisses me off.

If you try to google something quickly and enter various websites you have to close all popups on each site you enter.

Some websites try to make these popups more discreet by making them small and putting them at the bottom of the screen but then your brain just ignore them and focus on the small content above them.

In the year of 2022 people visit a lot of sites during a day. The human brain is programmed to put in as little work as possible to reach a certain goal so therefor everyone ignores popups.

I know its a law to inform people about cookies etc. But isnt there a better way?

  • 1
    And why inform about cookies and not localstorage etc?
  • 3
    I will just leave if popups everywhere. Most the time I just accept and think: "they are assholes that want to steal my data". Don't sign up.
  • 3
    It's 2022, and people stilll don't use popup / ad blockers

    🤦‍♂️my faith in humanity is still lost.
  • 3
    @C0D4 But that would remove all the "quality" videos that pop up and give you seizures.
  • 1
    @Demolishun I'll take the peace and quiet over the "chase me down the page with your autoplay video"
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    @C0D4 ok here is a little twist: building these things i hate is a part of my job so i cant turn them off.
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    @dmoen then whitelist your own domains, but block the general public.

    Or like don't make these asshole move popups 🤷‍♂️
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    @jfgilmore i dont think modern browsers allow you to set a third party cookie anymore.
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    i think this should be treated like laws on outdoors, visual pollution. but everything concerning the internet takes ages to change and by then they'll have found another way of torturing us
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