Anyone work at a place where you think you could leave $20 on your desk, go on vacation, and it would still be there?

  • 22
    I work from home.

    So, no. Lol
  • 3
    My pen get's missing from my desk within seconds and you are talking about money, well fuck no.
  • 8
    I've accidentally left my wallet over night before and nothing went missing. It's a small company, there are only 10 of us, I trust them all.
  • 1
    @PoweredByCoffee just wondering, why would you continue to work in a place with such low trust?
  • 0
    Yes, I think so. I don't think the cleaning staff would snitch it. I've left all sorts of things out, and they stay put.
  • 0
    Yeah, I trust them all.
  • 15
    I havent been to my office in a month, i dont even know if my desk is there
  • 0
    Yes! I do.
  • 2
    @bkwilliams keep you friends close, your enemies closer.

    That's why I know where to find bugs :P
  • 1
    @bkwilliams because no one else can afford the salary they pay me here and I need money.
  • 2
    Used to have an internship like that, you'd be able to leave it for a year without it being stolen xD
  • 2
    My office used to be trustworthy, up until the maid came to the dark side (she took our cookies, no really, it was frustrating af)
  • 2
    I trust my colleagues, I could lay it down without somebody touching.
  • 2
    I have 6 ones in my desk drawer that have been there all winter. I trust my co-workers and we are in a secure area as well.
  • 2
    I work in a place where you could leave that kind of money on your desk and come back to find it the next day.
  • 0
    I work at a place where I leave my computer unlocked to find porn on my background and a fb event in my name inviting all coworkers to a drink. They would never steal though :)
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