git add . && git commit -m "Because we're constantly interrupted and because we are not given enough time to do things properly, I need to check in and out of branches all the time (because separate envs are actually separate branches now) and have to interrupt what I'm doing. So this commit message reflects that."

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    I don't know what's the limit. But it's pretty long.
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    @Jilano I'll save that for a rainy day when the rant is strong in me.
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    @mtverlee for a git commit message? That's definitely wrong, I know I've written small essays for some commits, and one place I worked had a policy of rebase & squash before meeting to master. Those messages get biiiiiiiiig.
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    @Zaphod65 git commit -m set a commit title, not a commit message :)
    And the convention for a commit title is 80 characters I believe (not sure it's a global convention)
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    @willol I'm pretty sure you're wrong here: -m specifies a whole commit message, and therefore it does not impose any limit on its length.

    it's entirely up to you to format it according to your taste (which obviously may require you to insert newline chars where needed for your goal, if you intend to specify a title and a body, separated by a blank line as usually accepted as convention).
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    Stash changes so you don't have to commit all the time
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    @yfede yeah you're right, my bad !
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    @slaat I find the stash syntax is so convoluted... If you stash twice, you need two PhDs to retrieve the right stuff.
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    @BellAppLab hahaha yeah I feel you
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