
who remembers the dial up internet time? When i was little i use to dial a lot to surf the web. How about you?

  • 1
    The days of Fidonet ...
  • 2
    Yep, I remember that... Had an external 33.6 Modem. Oh the dialing noises it made!
  • 4
    And " The Microsoft Network"
  • 1
  • 1
    Oh god. I only used it once. XD
  • 2
    i still have one i think. that sound still rings in my head xD
  • 1
    I get really nostalgic upon hearing the dial up noises. Fun times, when I couldn't be on the Internet while my mum was on the phone (22/7)
  • 4
    When it took 4 hours to download a 30MB file and someone picked up the phone at 98% ...
  • 2
    AOL trial discs everywhere and Napster downloads that took forever.
  • 0
    and kazza , morpheus, edonkey, etc. I used to download using those p2p networks in the past. It was when i was like 12-14 years old. =)
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