
I was wondering what do you guys think about companies which dictates which ide devs have to use.
In my opinion every dev should use what he or she can utilize best no matter if a free or paid license is required for the ide.

  • 3
    If a company dictates your IDE, fuck those guys.
  • 5
    If a job requires proficiency in a piece of software then I get proficiency in that software.

    Is there a business reason to use the IDE?

    Is there a business reason to not use the IDE?

    Am I just bitching because my workplace has "preferences"?
  • 2
    I think fundamentally, trying to dictate *anything* to us about how we do our job, is stupid.

    Oh, I have to use c++? OK. Also, I've embedded a python interpreter in our c++ application, so I'm still using c++.

    Oh, I don't have root, but I'm in the docker group? Huh.

    Oh, this application requires root permissions to install? Oh, there's a portable version.

    We're literally taught how to game systems. It's what we do.
  • 2
    I'm against enforcing rules of any kind.

    ... all under the gentleman agreement that the dev can work efficiently.

    Otherwise - there's the door, the job market is your new destination.

    While I don't enforce rulesets, I really had to have very strange discussions with someone who used Notepad++ for his development... Which not only lead to some very heavy team rage, as thus things progressed slowly and they had a lot of collateral damage (e.g. missing code styling) but all in all it was kinda weird cause that guy had really a dozen nuts loose in his brain.

    Once in a lifetime experience I suppose. As long as you can work efficiently in a team, ok. If not, go interview team members and seek aid in setup.
  • 4
    I used to dislike these policies then i met people who try to write flask apis in jupyter and realised the need for sanity checking the ides.
  • 2
    a company that dictates visual studio is a company that can smooch my donkey.

    company standards are okay, up to some point. but there's software that's just so terrible, nobody should use it. but for some reason, everybody is.
  • 2
    @tosensei personally I like visual studio but that could be because I have been using it since the first embryo in visual basic around 1990 ;)

    I have access to rider and I use vscode for js/ts projects.

    I have also used some others but they where never on par.

    But I agree that in most cases devs are creators and are often most productive when given creative freedom.

    And as said, unless there is strong business reasons for using a specific IDE, like company specific tooling for documentation or similar that really do make a difference it will have very little value to enforce one.

    Its often more for the it managements sake and often combined with strict permissions like no root access.

    And in those cases the company do not respect or value the devs, they are most likely just a product they sell :/
  • 0
    @atheist exactly this.
  • 1
    @tosensei 😆 I strongly agree with part regarding visual studio 😀
  • 0
    The problem is that the one crazy person who just has to use Eclipse fucks it up for everyone else.
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