"Which language/framework do you avoid and why? Rant about it!"

It'd be nice if it creates a storm of "insultfull" rants.

  • 8
    CSS. Because fuck frontend, that's why. Also C# because I'm not a big MS fan.
  • 6
    Any language which is not providing type-safety at compile time. Basically all scripting languages. Also these, which don't offer first-class function support.
  • 3
    jQuery, because 90% of the time Vanilla is the same length without having to load an entire library full of stuff you'll never need for the project.
  • 14
    French, freaking hate that language
  • 3
    @linuxxx +1 for css. Js for me
  • 0
    @paranoidkid I'm a JS lover myself 😅
  • 0
    I avoid having to reinstall OpenCV at all costs. The framework is great, but god it is always an awful process to get it up and running.... Far too many dependencies
  • 1
    I avoid php like plague
  • 0
  • 1
    @linuxxx Haha you're one of the brave ones
  • 0
    Need moar swear words ;,,;
  • 2
    Fuck everything webdev related. ONLY bullshit tools, haven't found any language or tool that would make it exciting

    And also fuck Qt for C++. Inconsistent implementation. At some point it requires pointers and at some others reference. FUCKING CHOOSE ONE THING! And the MOC still I crap from what I've seen and also it's simply way too massive... Some could see that as an advantage though

    And don't even get me started on that fking 'Q' that is prefixed on EVERY SINGLE TYPE... That's even worse than the $ in PHP
  • 0
    All Microsoft tech stack. Don't like it.

    I have friends that make a living using Microsoft tech stack. But is not for me.

    Most of the time Linux or other unix clone are always installed in the servers. Love it.
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