
What are the best Udemy classes for JavaScript?

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    I’ve always liked anything from Academind by Max Schwarzmuller. As long as you get the courses when on a major discount and you know just following along isn’t going to help you learn anything. Use the course as a outline of good topics to know and then build something on your own with that knowledge to solidify it.
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    Javascript: Understanding the weird parts. By Anthony Alicea is absolutely top notch in terms of understanding the language all the way down to its quirks. Complimentary material would be "You don't know JS" for which the books are free (and from another author, but none the less are absolutely amazing)
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    When I was still investing time in getting better at JavaScript, I followed the YouTube channel funfunfunction. Just browse through the channel's playlists. It's free, and there's a lot of content.

    Other than that, I spent a lot of time using AWS lambda and later Gcloud functions to create microservice-like backends in JavaScript —just hooking various APIs together for the heck of it. Experimentation teaches a lot, and I like JS better when it's decoupled from frontend mess.
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    i envy people that have the self discipline to use udemy
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    So.. you.. want to learn JS.. hmm..
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    @darksideofyay “Accountability” and “Online Education” don’t go together. It’s so fucking hard to complete a course!
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    Thank you so much guys!
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