
I turned 30 recently, oh my

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    You will quickly start feeling pain in your knees, that weight you use to be able to keep off easily will refuse to go away, you’ll find twenty year olds annoying, you’ll get tired way too easily… welcome, you’re one of us.
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    Initial release September 17, 1991; 30 years ago
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    @EstrnAdventures yeah, gets exhausting luggin that gigantic cock around right @Linux? I mean, your rooster weighs a ton 😉😂😂😂
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    Wait what? I thought you were in your 40s.

    I will be 30 in few months and I have no idea what's happening in my life.
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    … suddenly, I feel old.
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    Coming up for me in April... if I make it that far...
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    Happy Birthday.
    Time to stay fit and exercise at least 10 minutes daily if you don’t want to feel what other feel :)
    Remember that gravitation is now your main enemy on this planet.
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    @theKarlisK true bro.
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    At some point, you get to an age, and you appreciate the simple things in life.


    1. Does my penis still work? Why yes, yes it does.

    2. Is shitting my pants still a rare occurrence? Why yes, yes it is.

    3. Does my wife still tolerate me? Why yes, yes she does.

    4. Is my wife okay with number 1? Why yes, yes she is.

    My life is complete.
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    Seems we're quite a few in their 30s.
    Remember, some of the best things only gets better with age. :-)
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    The best time of my life started after I hit my 30s. It's all up to you.
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    I was still blading in skateboard bowls in my 30s. I really need to get back into inline skating. I was damn good at it. Mid 40s now. Maybe I will start doing long distance inline this spring.
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    Exercise and eat healthy, and don't listen to poorly aged lazy people.
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    You can sing now Madonna's Like a virgin... Sex will be less than it used to be xD


    It's a fucking number, just have fun like you always do.
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    When you hit 30, stop living like when were 20 or your body will start breaking down when you are close to 40. (my own experience).
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    @Floydimus ha@dmoen

    I got my first kid at 20 :'(
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    Hehe, found this and thought this rant.
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