Looking for android dev who could mentor me with more advanced android dev topics (architecture, unit tests, code style and etc.) I am a self tought intermediate dev with 2 years experience (worked in 3 startups). I need help with questions/ocasional code reviews.

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    We're not all self-taught, most of us did some sort of degree where we learned to acquire knowledge and also got some basic understanding of the field we operate in. Knowing assembly language is as useful as tits on a bull for me on an every day basis, but it made me understand something that has helped me get a broader understanding of how it all works. And that broader understanding is what you use later to learn new technologies, techniques, languages and so on.

    If you want to learn about architecture, take some time to read up on it and don't rely on just asking questions. There is no simple answer to an architecture question, because it always depends. So I think you should seek out a mentor, but maybe in the form of getting a job where there are seniors to discuss with, learn from and from time to time prove wrong.
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    @prodigy214 im tired of tryharding and working alone. I have many blindspots and Im trying to improve on them. I dont want someone to spoonfeed me, but I sure as hell dont want to post and wait for answer whole day from kind strangers. I witnessed how a friend of mine in 6 months surpassed my 2 years experience just because he worked with a mentor who had 6 years experience. My whole life I had mentality of tryharding alone and asking help only when I really need it. Enough is enough mate.

    Reading your situation is sad also, I see you are struggling past 2 months in a workplace where nobody seems to be guiding you. I did the same in my 20s, now in my 30s I just dont want to wastr time anymore.
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