
I have a friend that every 2 days posts stories of her being in a club or something similar, dressed up and make up everywhere, with lots of drinks and shit like that. Girl has 0 skills and is living on the money that her dead parent left her. Honestly, shit looks fucking exhausting.

I hate clubs and being out with people. I do love drinking and having a good time... but every 2 days for it to be something? man I already feel tired and it ain't even my life.

  • 6
    She's shopping for husband, maybe?
  • 10
    @NoMad Not much of a selection in nightclubs, unfortunately.
  • 2
    @Root I mean, the guy is looking for fun, and she's willing to be the fun. So, it's probably a good match? idk.
  • 3
    @NoMad Nightstands and other bedroom furniture, sure. Hubby material, though?
  • 2
    @Root money material, also a maybe. Not assuming this one is a gold digger, but in general sense, how do you think a gold digger would go about finding one?
  • 1
    She's not your friend, it's just your turn.
  • 5
    Why are you paying attention to her?
  • 3
    Maybe she is too sad and she always needs an escape from reality?
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    She's doing the female version of what dudes do when they inherite money. Traveling every two months would complete the cycle, but you know COVID.
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    Parents would be proud
  • 3
    I take joy in pitying these persons.

    When your only option to escape the boredom of having a ton of money is to party and get yourself intoxicated, it's not rewarding yourself for something you achieved or overcome.

    It's mostly filling time and feeling alive cause you're bored of yourself and your life.

    Coping at it's best.

    Even more worrisome when said persons tell you "they do it to feel alive". Yay... If you need to validate being alive so often, I guess you feel pretty dead the rest of the time xD

    They don't react nicely btw when you explain that their life consists only of boredom and coping mechanism for their boredom.
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    @iiii she is not a bad person, have known her since HS, I don't have much people in my social media and she happens to be one of them.
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    @ars1 they actually are, she managed to grow the amount of money that was provided to her and come out with a very successful life. Mind you, I am not shitting on her, I am stating that her style of life seems exhausting to me.
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    @IntrusionCM I honestly don't pity her, she is a good person. My only issue is how can they manage such an exhausting lifestyle? We are both the same age since HS (30 now) and I can barely put up with a friday on the month by staying up doing something like that, let alone every other day of the week.
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    @AleCx04 I guess it's a bad habit of mine to assume the worst.

    But partying much is - from my experience - a tell tale sign that someone tries to escape reality.

    For exactly the reason you say: Usually life takes its toll and is already exhausting as it is - stretching the toll to nighters all week long is unusual.
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    When she's out of money (and spending like that will be fast), she will crash and burn...
    Probably turn to prostitution. Since such people can't keep a job.
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    @GyroGearloose girl is smart and has grown the inheritance she received into a large business. She is fine, not your typical dumb bimbo. My only issue is how exhausting her night life is and I have no clue how she manages to keep such energy. But she is not a bad person or someone I am shitting on.
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    @AleCx04 Isn't this basically the difference between extro- and introvert? Extroverted people tend to get energy when going out and meeting people constantly, while introverted people tend to get energy from spending some time on their own. For some people going out often is exhausting for other it is energizing. So I would guess she is just extroverted.
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    @TheSilent I considered that as well to be honest, I don't consider myself an introvert per se, pretty much a social butterfly and very outgoing. I can tolerate a party here and there. But MONDAY PARTY PICS, then WEDNESDAY DRINKING WOOOO then the same thing for friday, saturday and sunday every week? its like 4 or 5 days of the week my homegirl parties and I don't know how she handles it. I might actively be worried for her.
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