
Did you know crocodiles could grow up to 15 feet? But most just have 4.

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    Dont know when devRant became NatGeo Wild Trivia ...
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    4 of what? Nested loops?
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    @the-qwerty-guy just 4. It’s a dimensionless number.
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    "Dimensionless number" is technically incorrect.

    4 is a quantity of dimension *one*.


    > The term “dimensionless quantity” is commonly used and is kept here for historical reasons. It stems from the fact that all exponents are zero in the symbolic representation of the dimension for such quantities. The term “quantity of dimension one” reflects the convention in which the symbolic representation of the dimension for such quantities is the symbol 1

    (Fully aware that no one except autist level 9000 people care about these kinds of technicalities)
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    @bittersweet HAL? Is that you?
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    @bittersweet that was an interesting read. Right after posting my comment, I also had this thought like "Is this true? Isn’t the dimension just one?" But then I compared it to the fine structure constant alpha (which is called a dimensionless quantity) and thought it must be correct.
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    Yeah it's one of those useless factoids which only hyperautistic mathematicians care about, while the rest of the science/engineering world answers "who the fuck cares, conventions don't need to make sense as long as people know what you mean"
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