Why the UI/UX guys don't understand that aligning divs is not that easy???

We cant fucking drag those things ....

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    before flex box became supported by most browsers i agree but now its not that undoable i guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 4
    seriously, flex box. don't ever use anything else for any layout stuff.
    blex box, margins, padding, and position: relative modifiers is all you need. all we ever needed. shame we only got it after more than 2 decades of bullshit.
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    @Midnight-shcode does know one use grid or is it just too much of a hassle?

    I figured it would at least be used in more complicated offerings likedaahboard products, etc.
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    @Midnight-shcode Just like CSS Flex, there is CSS Grid.
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    @Wisecrack @Survivor
    oh, cool. i was probably too happy about flexbox to look into it. or i heard about it and it just sounded like one of those css pre-templates that create grid-like classes or something.

    i don't like the "/" syntax for some of those properties, but... yeah, cool.

    after 30 years, css can finally serve its intended purpose, nice.
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