"Unlimited paid vacation"
X to motherfucking doubt

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    probably just a case of bad phrasing
  • 4
    We have unlimited time off at work. It actually kinda guilts you into using less. Sounds good, saves the company money. HR fucking loves it.
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    @Root Until the ONE GUY who abuses it forces them to change their policy - ruins it for the rest
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    @arcsector They’d just get fired, honestly. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Say that you just got huge funding and don't know what to do with it, but don't say it directly.
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    They still have the power to fire you for unsatisfactory performance, so all this achieves is to blur the line between work time and free time.
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    What are fertility benefits and why does the company care about my sperm quality?
  • 3
    @saucyatom i think it's a way to say "we dont know how to say pregnancy leave without offending people so we'll put this HR mumbo-jumbo", but i could be wrong lmao
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    Lollll what that really means is "take more than 2 weeks off and ur fukd"
  • 3
    @saucyatom Maybe a promotion if you got 4 kids and an iron cross if you hit 8
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