
Is node-sass the worst npm package ever published?

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    I use "sass" package which is build from dart sass.

    Whereas, node-sass is from libSass which is deprecated.
  • 1
    All this node-sass vs sass nonsense, gee. We keep getting misinformed even in official frameworks' docs.
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    @masterwayne can sass drop in anywhere to replace node-sass? A lot of libs have node-sass as a dependancy right?
  • 1
    @lopu older vue.js setups in Vue Cli had both options, node-sass and dart-sass. Newer version offers only dart sass. They are interchangeable, yes
  • 3
    I think npm is the worst package ever published, tbh
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    Its deprecated
  • 1
    I beg to differ, sqlite3 depends on an extremely fragile gyp-based build that tries to link statically with globally installed versions of libraries.
  • 0
    Well yeah it sucks. Postcss ftw :9
  • 0
    @Root come doll, don't talk to them, they don't know the true beauty of handling gems.

    Root and Alex disappear into a glamourous ruby red sunset.
  • 0
    @ScriptCoded Bruh postcss ain't got nothin on sass
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