
Tech people should have a codeword. So that I don't have to explain to every data provider showing off their own crappy limited analytics tool that "I do know what SQL means and I just need the ODBC user/pass, thanks".

I wish I could just say "hey, &0x00A0 = 1337;" out loud and he would be like "oh, thanks! I needed the break. Here is the ODBC crap, I'm gonna grab some coffee."

  • 9
    How about using "I do know what SQL means and I just need the ODBC user/pass, thanks" as the code?
  • 3
    @electrineer should work, as long as the other part is a tech person, and if not, no codeword would help :)
  • 6
    Or you just make a request while sounding as technical as possible. They either immediately change how they respond or call an actual technical person.
  • 1
    @crow22498 isn't that exhausting tho? i kinda get it
  • 5
    @electrineer I wish it was that simple. If you throw a straight ball they usually get confused and go right back to showing their crappy tool. It must be a password without any word known out of dev circles, otherwise it could sound like "Why don't we use SQL instead of windows?".
    I actually heard that question once.
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