Is it bad habit to code on bed?

  • 2
    Hey, I am not bad
  • 4
    Depends on how often. If always/most of the time -- yes. It will kill your back.

    If occasionally/sometimes -- IMO it's alright
  • 5
    Depends on how much stock you put into the idea of sleep hygiene.
  • 11
    Coding is bad habit in general, which is why most people don't do that.
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    @jespersh very specific
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    @jespersh i think she meant the thing about blue light fucking with sleep
  • 3
    @darksideofyay @jespersh

    Besides blue light, the brain may link your bed with programming and not (only) sleep, possibly leading to insomnia.
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    @jespersh @darksideofyay Yeah, I was more referring to what @sbiewald said. :D
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    When I genetic code, I do it in bed, mostly.
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    @sbiewald using a blue light filter is always a good idea. And and I already have other activities associated with bed.

    Don't program in bed anymore though. I used to have single sleeper with a back that could raise. That was the most comfortable I have ever worked.
    So is it's comfortable and does not create bad habits (like coding/working to much) I don't why not
  • 1
    It'd kill my back, I couldn't do it, but I'm an old sod.
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    All kinds of (re)productive activities are great in bed.
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    Depends if it keeps the other two occupants awake.
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