It pains me to say this but MacOS > Windows > Linux

  • 14
    Pain and macOS are temporary, glory and Linux forever!
  • 4
    Is there a story behind this declaration
  • 13
    Low quality bait.
  • 3
    @jester5537 Not really, it's just that after trying out macOS it kinda gives you most of the upsides of unix/bsd (aka. better developement environment) without any of the downsides

    Customizability is surprisingly high as well. Utility programs are about the same as windows, not that iOS tragedy
  • 14
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    if by `>` you don't mean the mathematical operator of "greater than", but a transition to, then you're right.
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    you have the first two flipped
  • 4
    You're wrong, just putting that out there. Your opinions are invalid ☺️
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    I can't believe I'm saying this: I agree.

    MacOS looks and feels solid whereas, on a certain platform (Gnome), you cannot have a weather widget without it breaking after every upgrade. I understand that most of the software is not monetized and is supported by donations but maybe this should change.

    Although, I still think Linux gives you more freedom to do whatever you want than MacOS does and from the development experience side, Linux feels more solid whereas MacOS treats you like a baby.
  • 5
    on devrant of all places
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    This usually reflect how smart a person is
  • 1
    Is this a comparison or a progression?
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    Not to burst your guy's bubble but have some of ya'll even _tried_ macOS before hating on it? It's honestly pretty damn good (for the short time i've used it)

    And maybe I'm just too much of a perfectionist, but I can't for the life of me get on with linux and it's inconsistent and clunky user experience
  • 4
    "It pains me to say this" I don't think it does pain you. I think you wrote that knowing exactly what kind of response you'll get you smug asshole xD...

    That being said, I tried all of them. I use MacOS for work, Linux for personal and I still dualboot to Windows for games and I would struggle to compare them tbh but for me Linux is the easiest to use. I can't explain it, but both Windows and Mac in my hands just crumble. Windows is filled with ads and is hammering my drive like mad for no apparent reason, not to mention to constant update threats... and Mac has the most asinine design I have ever seen in both hardware and software, on HW: it's symmetric so you never really know which way it's facing by touch, it's non upgradable, it lacks basic ports, it doesn't have a delete button, just shortcuts? and on top of that brew is clearly hack, upgrade to zsh seems to have broken my env and my PGP signing keeps timing out despite adding the keys to my keychain? srsly?
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    I mean if we're being honest, all of these systems suck at all sorts of different ways so it probably boils down to how much it sucks for your particular user demands. For me personally, Windows sucks because of the bloat and Mac sucks because of all the weirdness that keeps happening to me on it + I really hate it's design

    Linux keeps being weird all the time too, but I really enjoy that I have full access to it, and once I fix something I know I can fix it again and it's not only free, but also has like billion flavors, guides and a great community behind it already on top of being inside an upgradable system. I absolutely love it <3 I even have several Raspberry Pis so knowing debian flavors specifically meant I got the knowledge to use it essentially for free too :3
  • 1
    Comparing apples to... Bees.

    MacOS has some advantages and same can be said for Windows and Linux.
    At the end of the day the best one is the one that makes you work less, more efficient and you enjoy the most.
    For some is the clunkynes of Linux. For others is the wide activities and possibilities of Windows and for some is the efficiency and polish of MacOs.
    Whatever floats your boat.

    For me also is Mac. Just because I rather spend my time doing something useful with the computer rather than fixing it constantly like Linux.
    I use it to connect mostly to Linux and windows vms to work on.
    When I game I do it on a gaming rig or on a razer blade.
    I am a Linux user since before 2000 and I am giving it a try from time to time only to find it putting to much work on me just to set it up right. Things that I fly doing on windows and they are done for me on macos.

    Life is too short to spend your time fixing so many broken little pieces. I rather enjoy my time.
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    I fully agree with you. If you have a career in VFX, audio mixing, photography, etc.

    I also kind of agree with you as a general recommendation for non-technical people, I told all my family members to just get a fucking iPhone & MacBook with an iCloud+ backup subscription and an overpriced service contract, so I can play Factorio (on Linux) in peace.

    For web development, I use PopOS these days. Just like OSX, "it just works", but also gives a lot of customization options and feature parity with server ecosystems. Especially when it comes to the performance of docker/k8s setups.
  • 0
    I put Windows before Mac. I love Linux but it can be difficult collaborating with others. Slack/Zoom/Webex can be a pain to setup. With the WSL I think Windows made a great step in becoming more developer friendly and Powershell clearly learned from the issues bash has.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat medium quality bait, but I'm a master baiter so I can see through it.
  • 2
    > compares operating systems without specifying the intended use case
    > also includes entire ecosystems of operating systems
    > says "it pains me to say this"
    > refuse to explain
    > profit ?
  • 1
    I'm usually nice to others, but YOU ARE WRONG!!
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    @theKarlisK Ignoring the /s for a bit -- As far as I know devRant runs on Ubuntu Server at AWS, with PHP7 as backend, and Neo4J as a database.
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    Woohoo, OS wars! Again!

    I find it actually quite curious how many different opinions peeps have on which OS fam trumps which. Also, the stronger one comes across on hating some OS, the more I’m convinced they haven’t really evaluated them.

    That said, for me: Mac OS and Linux parade on the top depending on use case and Windows has been banned for the realm. I can not fathom why anyone would choose to use Win, when either Mac or Linux is objectively a better choice in all use cases I can think of. People keep saying Windows has some advantages over the others, too, but besides gaming support, I can’t think of a single one.

    I prefer Mac OS for work because I don’t want to battle the OS - just get shit done efficiently - and that’s what Mac’s really good for. I haven’t encountered that ”weird shit” peeps keep talking about either, at least not often. I don’t need the flexibility a Linux distro gives me, either, at work that is, so I only use tuxes outside work.
  • 3
    @theKarlisK nothing "runs" on IIS.

    at most, it crawls.
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    My only reason for waving flags is that at one point, my employer banned people from using anything except the company-provided MacBook with OSX on it.

    The tooling was set in stone, you get your task, you complete your task, and that's the end of that. I was also not allowed to use any peripheral devices connected to that MacBook.

    Eventually I got an inflamed wrist and neck pain because of bad ergonomics, contacted labor inspection, threatened to sue if I wasn't allowed to plug in my own keyboard and display and get a better chair.

    Eventually I installed Linux Mint on the MacBook, and found that it worked better for me.

    Got fired... well, "mutually agreed end of contract including severance pay", and went on to a better employer.

    I'm not so much in camp "specific OS" as I am in camp "freedom of choice is important".
  • 2
    @sariel I can confirm . I hate my Mac.
  • 0
    I still prefer freebsd.
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