
Companies! For the love of your peoples sanity give the developers of all ages worthwhile machines. If you send us to clients to develop iOS apps, send macs also 😤

  • 3
    But that'll cost the company and is a risk if your app doesn't make enough money to buy a Mac. Companies don't have a loan system setup.
  • 1
    We are in a similar situation. Employer (very small company) does not want to spend real money to buy performant laptops with SSDs.

    We end up using shitty laptops that are so ungodly slow that you spend at least an hour a day just waiting for the fucking things to respond.

    But hey, he saved a couple of bucks on the inital purchase, so I guess that makes it worth while.
  • 0
    @Stalker yeah... If only one could sum waiting time and put a price to shitty machines
  • 0
    @Agent-P if only my friend
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