Jesus Christ. Dagger2's documentation has got to be the most convoluted shit I have ever laid my eyes on.

The sheer mental gymnastics I had to do to get through this one line at 2:30 am...

  • 7
    It's worst when English is not your first language because you have to unravel the Grammar as well as the meaning.
  • 3
    @No-one Bruh, you must absolutely have no idea what dagger is
  • 4
    My brain lost interest after the words "subcomponent's parent components'. lol
  • 2
    @No-one Hahaha Butterknife only injects the view elements, Dagger is a full, lightweight IOC framework, mainly used for dependency injection.

    @Mindstormer619 I remember reading that same line a few times after giving up and start doing experiments 😃
  • 0
    what a brainfuck...
  • 2
    @jpichardo This. I *did* look into Butterknife earlier before quickly realizing it's not the same thing.

    Anything to get away from this documentation clusterfuck. Interestingly, they have an "Android" section that doesn't have a single line on actually adding the library to Android. Just great.
  • 1
    @Mindstormer619 yeah, I had to look at the examples and read a few tutorials, the problem is they don't tell you how things work, only how to use them.
  • 1
    @jpichardo, ButterKnife can also inject resources, like a color or string.
  • 1
    @Eariel well, yeah, but it is focused to views and resources (at least that's what I know) 😊, thnks for the correction btw.
  • 1
    @jpichardo, not a correction, just some extra info 😊
  • 1
    @Eariel haha thnks anyway
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