
Did you know 2021 saw 44 unicorns startups? For people who don't know what unicorns are, unicorns are startups having billion dollar valuation. This made me wonder about startups with no revenue, how are they valuated? So researched a bit on it and penned down my learnings in this article.

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    The stock market was an market where you sold real value, but now its trading imaginary values.
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    based on raised equity
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    I'm curious about the correlation between the amount of money an entrepreneur poured into their startup out of pocket and how successful said startup was.

    I've seen so many "self-made millionaires" who started with "a small loan of $500,000“.
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    @24th-Dragon more like ponzi 2.0
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    Startup valuations are made up of dreams and good thoughts.
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    I'm gonna start a troll startup to hunt the unicorns...
    I bet their horns sell for 1 billion
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    too risky
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