Okay WhatsApp, as if I didn't have enough reasons to uninstall you anyway.

  • 0
    Wow... Well they can just fuck off then. What the hell kind of shit are they running that a custom is having trouble with?!?!
  • 19
    This is not new. And it does not prevent WA from running. It just states, that you will get no support on that device from the WA team, in case of problems. Obvious.
    Don't try to rant about things that are fine.
  • 7
    @Kimmax I see your point but it depends on what your definition of 'fine' is
  • 7
    Seems reasonable. If you built a website, would you offer support to those who built their own browsers? If you built a webapp to run on Oracle JDK, would you support OpenJDK installs?
  • 0
    @luckyNmber Actually wondering what their reason for doing that would be. Not an iPhone or whatsapp user but curious though
  • 7
    @linuxxx okay, other way arround.
    You build website X and it works fine.
    User installs extension Y.
    Extension Y changes all ajax requests to websocket and your site doesn't work anymore.
    User files a bug report about this. Would you support this? Of course not. And whatsap does nothing different then warning users about that.
    A problem would be if they blocked users, or to make this complete, you would block all users with extension Y from your site. (OR like whatsapp did with the whatsapp+ app back in the days)
    My bank does that in their app, that's something you could rant about.
    A warning is reasonable and that's it, nothing wrong here.
  • 0
    @Kimmax Fair enough yeah. I understand what you're saying, too badly, that fucks with some people who root or jailbreak their devices for more control/privacy/security reasons.
  • 1
    @luckyNmber Although it's not that safe sometimes, it can give you more control over your device which some people (like me) prefer for several reasons. What do you use for messenger apps/services if I may ask?
  • 0
    @luckyNmber Fair enough! I did use wickr for a while but yas, use Signal for years now :)
  • 0
    @luckyNmber Jailbroken iphones do have WhatsApp. It's not like you can't have them.
  • 1
  • 0
    @Kimmax The bank is justified in disabling their app if they detect a compromised running environment because the primary purpose of the app is interfacing directly with your bank account.

    It's like leaving your front door unlocked, but making sure all the packages you send or receive are anonymous, and expecting not to be robbed.
  • 3
    @immadeofpixels actually no. I get it that they want to protect their users, but thats a 'maybe' their device is compromised. The thing is, that there are xposed modules made to disable that checks to make the app work again. But now you have a perfect target group of users for a potential Hacker.
    Many users will install that module to use the app, so if I would be a Hacker, I would build a module that makes the app work again AND compromise the users bank account.

    It's okay to show warnings but there shouldn't be actions taken that could potentially backfire.
  • 1
    @Jop- somehow I doubt that.
  • 3
    All that means is they can't provide support if the issue is down to your ROM. That's not that odd.
  • 0
    Having so many tweaks when rooted, ya I think users with tiny tech background might screw it up and nag on support team. Don't know about exposed if it has something for what's app, but on iOS my friend showed me a Cydia extension that can hide his "online" when WhatsApp is open with a valid internet connection
  • 2
    @Kimmax by "compromised", I don't mean that the user already has the kind of app you describe. I mean they are rooted / have an unlocked bootloader in the first place, allowing such a malicious app to be installed and carry out its malicious code.

    Again, its like leaving your front door unlocked and expecting not to get robbed.

    The bank app is justified in locking their app because IT IS YOUR BANK.

    WhatsApp would not be justified in locking the app, because the most anyone could steal is your chat history. Which could be a major problem, but isn't guaranteed to be.
  • 0
    That's an old message...already got that back in 2014...it doesn't prevent it from working so it's fine...
  • 0
    Personal opinion: If it doesnt prevent - depending on the app - it may be wise to prohibit usage. Forget whatsapp, think bank apps, forex exchange apps, and other apps with crucial data being transmitted (or even stored)... heck, if I were a developer of such apps id disable it as well. Better safe than sorry. U never know what the user with a jailbroken/rooted phone has installed as a third party app.
  • 1
    @avedis users who install such apps on their rooted devices will also use that framework to unlock it again and are therefore perfect targets for a hacker. It may not be happening right now, but thats where I would go in if I was that hacker.
  • 0
    @Kimmax sure there would be scripts, eventually get in at your own risk... but as the app vendor/developer, I would void support and if I can prevent from launching "as much as I can" so I won't bear the responsibility as much as I can and avoid lawsuits.
    You'd be surprised to find out the level of intelligence many users have
  • 0
    What annoys me more,though I kind of understand, is that the Barclays banking app won't run on non stock ROM at all.
  • 1
    Thanks for digging this out of the grave
    I can't wait gor the moment ppl start replying to 7yrs old rants
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