
Tailwind CSS is a big threat to CSS developers, because now a mere mortal can implement a design on a website on par with them.

  • 6
    Feels like this is missing the joke/meme tag.
  • 4
    I've seen "mere mortals" struggle with VLOOKUP in excel. I think CSS devs will be fine.
  • 2
    Pretty sure people said the same thing about bootstrap
  • 3
    Are CSS Devs really a thing? Front end is a thing and CSS is an add-on skill that they also do, if they can do it more efficiently with tailwind then go for it
  • 2
    @drego Beat me to it. Our profession is under threat if we start calling developers those that only do CSS 😒
  • 2

    I mean for god's sake, Tailwind is not magic or another language. It's literally just CSS written in a different way / in a different location. If you don't understand CSS, you will never successfully build anything decent from scratch with Tailwind.

    Pretty sure OP is trolling, don't believe anyone genuinely thinks this way.
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