
I have been using Linux for a while and I get update notification about 3 times per week. I find it annoying. As soon as I plan to get some work done, I get a large notification popup saying "Hey, it's time to install le updates". I find it distracting; especially so because I use my laptop about 3 times per week; so basically EVERY TIME when I'm about to use it, it says "HEY you know what? Time for UPDATES".

Updates on Windows are annoying too; but at least they do not appear as often. I find this unacceptable and I do not know how anyone could think that distracting people from work so often is "ok". This is bad.

  • 6
    Solution: configure your updater to look for updates once per week, or even not to look for updates at all, but do that manually.
  • 4
    My updater never shuts down my machine by itself when it believes to need an update and most updates don't even need that.

    Still better than windows.
    What I don't get is MacOS overriding your Bios. Not even Windows feels the need to do that without getting your explicit consent.
  • 3
    So turn off notifications when you work? And do you then just do updates instead of working? I advise you to update only when you have time and do it once a week or something like that.
  • 2
  • 1
    *laughs in arch linux*
  • 1
    I'll be moving to debian soon, am finding ubuntu too much for me, removed snaps, they were slow , then a few months later, i needed to use a software called winbox and i did a quick install of snaps(it was an emergency) , now ubuntu tried to revert most software to snaps, now my pc is screwed
  • 0
    @EpicofGilgamesh Mint is built on Ubuntu, but snap-free by default and probably more user friendly than Debian.
  • 0
    Never tried mint before, might give it a try, ubuntu was okay until their snap preference ruins any software you have already installed
  • 0
    This probably just comes from your GUI updater. Either completely remove your GUI package manager or configure it to look for updates once a week or so. Also, try to switch to a non-rolling release distro to receive less updates in thr first place
  • 0
    I just set mine to to install updates automatically and email me a summary when its done, its pretty non intrusive.
  • 0
    There are valid reasons to complain about Linux. This is just weird. First of all this is very distro specific (as anything package manager related) so it really helps using the distro name.
    Secondly instead of typing this you could have just used a search engine and solve your problem. In any distro I know you can fully control every aspect of this and even fully automate the update process...
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