
Me: Explaining what I do for a living (strip's title)

So true though as most of the workday is not coding...

Or is that how you explain all that typing (coding) to a layman?

  • 1
    The comic is so true

    4 hours far on monday:
    Emails: 17
    Closing tickets of supposed bugs that turn out to be stupidity of clients: 12
    Phonecalls: 6
    Meetings w manager: 2
    Lines of code: 0

    In 5 minutes we have stand up 🥳
  • 0
    Doctors [most of them at least] are intelligent. Any half decent doctor will know what programming is. Maybe not the practical details about it, but the overview of it at least. No need to water it down. If they need the details, they'll ask.
  • 1
    Wake up really early. Do some real work. Then spend the rest of the day answering irrelevant messsages or taking naps.
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