
What I "discovered" recently is, that Android will sometimes update certain apps even if you have auto-update disabled in Play Store.

Yes, just like that. I am not sure what exactly triggers the update, but it is certainly possible.

Just now I have seen that my Netflix app got auto-updated. Which is not a big deal in itself. But taking control out of the user's hands IS a big deal.This needs to stop. ❎

  • 2
    I know Google play can remove apps without user interaction due to security issues, wouldn't be too surprised if they could do the same for updates, and given how everyone is losing their shit about log4j, ehhh don't worry about it.
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    At least there's always the option to not install Google apps or to block them from firewall.
  • 3
    The google play store will also auto update itself, regardless if you have auto updates enabled, or apparently even having airplane mode enabled. One of our own here on devRant witnessed that herself.
  • 1
    Is it Android or is it your carrier? A few years ago I had an Android phone I had to root to uninstall some shitty NFL app from Verizon.

    The play store itself is the only app that auto-updates on my current phone, or at least it seems that way. I haven't caught it updating anything else without my permission yet.
  • 2
    Only play services app(s) update themselves. Generally there are 2 types of apps that auto update - the ones from your OEM/carrier, these apps are sometimes a part of system image and a pain in the ass to remove. The second is web-based apps that have thier own mechanisms for updates.
  • 0
    @Root how would airplane mode not prevent the updates? What mode of communication does it use? 🤔
  • 1
    @asgs Airplane mode is a setting in the OS that prevents userland threads from accessing the networking and therefore the radios. (It’s supposed to also disable the radios, but you can still see nearby WiFi and Bluetooth networks.) The software update process is owned by the OS and therefore might not have this restriction.

    Just a theory, though.
  • 0
    @Root I see. I didn't think the airplane restrictions might have only been applicable to user space
  • 2
    @Root on android, you can enable WiFi while airplane mode is active, so there's the possibility of PEBCAP. You can also choose which radios it disables with the airplane_mode_radios setting.

    airplane_mode_toggleable_radios defines which radios sen be enabled while staying in airplane mode
  • 0
    @electrineer That makes sense.
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