
I tried mate!
I'm not sure if I like it that much!

@darksideofyay got me into mate tea and I just had to try it for some unknown reason.
I didn't get the pot and bombilla because that seemed unnecessarily expensive for a tea I had not tried.

I got the tea leaves, brewed them like green tea and it didn't work at all. The flavour was lacking and it was a letdown.
But I knew I was drinking it wrong. I needed bombilla. But hold on, @darksideofyay was brewing her toasted mate like tea. So I toasted a handful of leaves and brewed it.
And yay! I like that thicc tobacco aroma. The taste profile is better than green tea but nowhere near the black teas. All in all I'm convinced I need to try it with bombilla.

Fun times.

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    yeah it's pretty different isn't it 😅

    I've never heard of anyone drinking it without the bombilla 🤔
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    @darksideofyay you gotta be kidding me! Didn't you say you brew yours normally like a regular tea?
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    @anux i do, but it's not the same beverage
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    you could also try making tererê, it has sugar and some other stuff on it
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    I got mate, a gourd, and bombilla from work when I started (company has roots in Argentina and a lot of the company’s workforce is based there) and tried it a few times but didn’t like it. It was only when I lamented to my Argentinian coworkers that I didn’t like drinking leaves that they were like “woahhh no, what kind of bombilla do you have? THAT’S THE WORST KIND!” Anyway, got a better bombilla, had a better experience. 😅
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    @AmyShackles i have no clue about the bombilla, but i do know it's an acquired taste. it's certainly not for everybody
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    @darksideofyay ugh. I thought yours was toasted yerba mate.
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    @AmyShackles I'm getting a bombilla. I brewed it like tea and I want to try it at full strength.
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    @GeorgeBool Nice!
    I am getting my bombilla soon and I am excited to have a cup I can just keep watering the whole day.
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    @anux, Man, I used to have this AWFUL heartburn a couple times an hour back in my nine-cups-of-coffee-and-half-a-pack days.
    My wife took me out of the cigs, but the coffee intake just increased.
    Then a Brazilian coworker showed me that metal-straw-straight-into-the-ground-tea-leaves drink I can't pronounce, but I'm pretty sure it's the same as Mate.
    That got me the kick I needed out of coffee and got rid of the heartburn!!
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    @ChristoPy, you Brazilian, right? What's the name of Mate in Portuguese? I know it sounds a lot like an insult in Spanish, so I'm not guess-spelling it here.
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    @JsonBoa that is an insane amount of coffee!
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    @anux so said my dentist. and my gastroenterologist. and my cardiologist. and my wife. my coworkers used to say "that's all?"
    Heh. high-pressure startup env. I do NOT recommend it. Got out of that deflating bubble years ago.
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    @JsonBoa good that you got out in time.
    I don't like workplaces which are aware of their unhealthy environment but take pride in it.
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    @JsonBoa it is mate. Although we call it "chá" (tea) or "chá mate" (mate tea)
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    @ChristoPy huhn. guess I've got that mixed up then
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    @JsonBoa haha the important thing is to drink this delicious tea

    A few people drink it cold with ice and lemon, but I prefer hot like a normal tea
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    @ChristoPy Is it really tea though? 😁
    My family thought I was going to get a tobacco addiction when I went for my third cup. I had to convince them it can be brewed more than once unlike regular teas.
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    @anux there's no big deal, tell your family to relax. It is tea and can be brewed multiple times. It is kinda addictive bc it has traces of caffeine, but we're used to it right? 😂😂😂
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    @ChristoPy haha absolutely.
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    @JsonBoa the one you drink with the bombilla we call chimarrão or "erva mate" (mate herb). the one i recommended op was what we call mate tea
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    @darksideofyay we have cleared it up before but for the sake of record I'll add that the distinction was that your recommended tea is toasted.

    Searches for mate tea point to yerba mate/ chimarrão which is the herbal tea with bombilla.
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    @darksideofyay yep, that's the one. I recognize the little snake over the "a". Although the package looks like a brick and does says "yerba mate".
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    @JsonBoa yeah, yerba mate is what we know as chimarrão. if you go to the very south of brazil, people there love it, it's part of the local tradition.

    also, "little snake" had me lol 😂 it's called "til" and it's common in portuguese. it means a "closed" sound. once i heard a hispanic person saying it sounds like the person got punched in the gut 😂😂😂
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    @darksideofyay Minh, seems easier to draw than Hindi.
    Now, I got confused. Is chimarrao the same as mate?
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    @JsonBoa the tea is the same plant, but toasted
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    Tried it with bombilla and it was a definite improvement.
    Though I gotta say I'm more into it for the setup than just taste. I still love my black teas more for taste.
    Next I'm gonna try different brands but I'm happy for now.

    Thanks @darksideofyay @ChristoPy @JsonBoa @GeorgeBool
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    Da fk is a bombilla? Some kind of bomb?
    How did you toast the lieves and why?
    Does it work with weed tea?
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    Anyone knows the name of the tea in Portuguese from Portugal?
    The tobacco flavor lures me in
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