
Intern - adds commit message like "added two files"

Me - Hey Intern, I've added commit lint, please don't disable precommit hooks.. so let's follow standard commit message format

Intern - commits like "feat(app): fix changes"


Me - Hey Intern, please commit with short meaningful messages like what actual changes were made

Intern - commits like feat(app): whole long story of what he couldn't do and some changes..

Me - 🤦

  • 12
    sometimes i do the "bug fixes" thing when I'm working alone, and later i want to kick myself for doing so
  • 1

    It Sometimes still happens to me that I write a commit message like that automaticky without thinking, and then I notice and force myself to write a proper message xD but I don't Always notice.
  • 0
    Today I was commiting a lot of changes, almost 400 files, plenty of them was just an import path change, what did I?
    Git add path/.
    Commit: Change the imports from x

    Git add path/.
    Commit: Change the imports from x

    Git add path/.
    Commit: Change the imports from x
  • 1
    @rittmann 400 commits?
  • 0
    @LordPeeve 15 minutes of work and take the rest of the day off. If anyone asks, point them at the 400 commits that you have accomplished today.
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