New role, new stack.
I'm saying see you to Ruby on Rails, Mac OS and Angular to welcome C#, .NET core, Windows 10 and React.

  • 5
    I was like "hey not ba--- oh Win10. Oh."
  • 5
    Great opportunity to learn 👍
  • 0
    I'd love to hear your thoughts after the transition. C# and .NET are one of the few (popular) technologies that I haven't been able to play with. And since we are on RoR and Macs as well (for backend) and Angular for frontend I'd love to hear how Win10 and your new stack treat you.
  • 8
    @thecritic C# is really nice stuff. If you are not familiar with the syntax: http://connecting-the-data.eu/QCat/... here is an example.

    The funny thing with C# is that it is like Java without the defects. Great library, package management, portability, C/C++ interfacing, community. But the syntax is nicer, the debugger is nice too, you have NuGet package manager to install libraries...
  • 0
    @QCat @thecritic I forgot the port in the URL, port 9999
  • 3
    One of my best experiences was with .NET... Really good stack tbh, C# is really neat overall. Plus, annotations in C# are incredible!
  • 1
  • 1
    @dontbeevil "Sure, let's go with that." says the Ruby full-stack dev
  • 0
    I love C# too, it'a a shame however that it can't be deployed on Linux. I hate using hosting services, since I loose control, and hosting Windows Server is quite expensive
  • 0
    @devs it can be hosted on Linux given that you code it to be. Mono has very good performance, better than vanilla runtime
  • 0
    Just remember:
    Command == Control
  • 0
    @QCat @dontbeevil Thanks, I'll check it out
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