Today has been a weird day. AWS us-east-1 region has been having huge issues for hours now, with the console and multiple services down or erroring out. My day has been an odd mix of twiddling my thumbs with nothing to do and trying to calm down angry people who are also twiddling their thumbs with nothing to do.

I'm tempted to just log off Slack and leave an auto-reply of "Can't fix it, no workaround, leave me alone" so I can go back to bed.

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    Side note: https://status.aws.amazon.com is unbelievably slow to update when an incident starts. Took them like half an hour to even publicly acknowledge that half the Internet was on fire.
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    This has been going on for over 24 hours.

    I opened a ticket with support for some inconsistencies with services and never got a response.

    They knew what was going on.
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    For a few hours I was pretty sure *someone* had nuked Washington, DC, and the EMP had blacked out North Virginia.
    How else EC2 and dynamo would tango the fuck down??? At the largest av zone on the planet?
    Still kinda think this could be the kickoff event of WW3.
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    @JsonBoa turns out it was just a huge issue with their network hardware or something which took most of the data center offline.
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