
My company is 8 days late to pay my salary.

The government (uae) recommended a 4.5 work week and my company hinted they wont abide by it

My company promised us bonuses and shares a year ago that we still didnt get

Altho we have been working remotely for 2 years due to covid, they are also trying to enforce going to the office...

Everything about the company is way too toxic

I want to leave ...

but all my applications get ghosted so i feel like a slave, its like i need this company otherwise im jobless. I haye this

  • 6
    also whenever we complain about anything the reply is usually something along the lines of "be grateful we took you out if your collapsing country and gave u a better life in the UAE"
  • 7
    I've worked for a place that started to pay late, you can only carry your funding so far before it cripples you.
    It's also a good sign they are going under and don't have the cash flow to get them selves out of it.

    I'd be running far away from it as soon as possible, Odds are you won't be paid any entitlements you may be owed when you do quit.
  • 6
    Apply for every job there is. You need to get out fast
  • 2
    Take a job at a fast food place to get out of there. At least they pay on time. I had to deal with “floating” pay before. It’s not a good sign at all. Chances are highly unlikely you will see what’s owed.
  • 2
    Also make a plan to hold them hostage. It's the same idea as you see with freelancers that don't get paid by the client once they deliver.

    So when you leave they have to give you what they are owed. A months wage is already far too much to hand them over.
  • 0
    Do your work but don't deliver till you get paid...
    Take more brakes to compensate for their shit (passive aggressive, no need to let them know).
    Start looking for new jobs.
    Any boss that replies with that crap is a hearthless bitch and deserves no respect from you.

    I had a girlfriend who threw said replies... If your not good with me go away...
    One day I wasn't happy with her and went away...
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