you guys make friends coding?

all i get is hate and stress

  • 4
    You make friends at all?
  • 1
    @GeorgeBool and do they ask you to hack their friends' accounts?
  • 3
    I made friends in every team I was in so far. Some turned into lasting friendships
  • 0
    You realise the hate and stress is a shared experience, this turns from hating others to enjoying others hate for your pleasure. It is only at this point do you "make friends" with those that piss you off.
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    you all have programmer friends ?

    I have one and he thinks he is great, but he's at best average coder....

    I have literally NOONE to bounce ideas of :(
  • 0
    I don't make friends, period!
  • 0
    @NoMad why didn't you use a period?
  • 2
    @electrineer dramatic effect
  • -1
    Oh, I understand you perfectly. Sometimes I get so caught up in my work that it's hard to deal with nerves, stress and headaches. I'm a project manager from Nevada. The good thing that saves me is that I know where I can buy CBD in Nevada https://ineedmint.com/blogs/news/... We are not forbidden to use it at work to remove stress. Although when I settled there it would be worth thinking if it is allowed. So the work is really stressful.
  • 0
    @NoMad hey old friend :D
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