
My doctor told me to remove coffee from my diet for a week

This will be a looong week

  • 1
    <em>You don't have to answer of course.</em>
    I do know that too much caffeine can cause muscles to twitch, skipping heart beats, and elevated general anxiety.

    Be well, Celestial Seasonings Peppermint Tea for...the...win!
  • 1
    Well @unjx is about my heart, the beats are not as right as it should be 😓, but thanks for the concern and i might try tea this week 🍵
  • 4
    @urco I had the same problem. freakin pvc's. it will work out. your heart is an awesome machine of loving grace. for me it was too much stress, anxiety, and adrenaline, then the coffee just added exponents. best thing I ever did was start walking two miles everyday at lunch. got me away from the problems, away from coworkers, away from staring at monitors for enough time to make a difference.

    public void pause() {

    and also...

    try {
    # lol
  • 1
    I do a week without caffeine every once in a while, just to prove to myself I still can. It also has the advantage of slightly realigning my tolerance.

    Those weeks still kind of suck!
  • 1
    I'm sorry! The first week of detox is the worst, but it gets better.
  • 3
    I would have changed doctor, too addicted 🙄
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