Hey! Anyone knows some github project I can contribute? I am a not so experienced front end developer.Thanks.

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    Guess there's around 1000 or more Java "Hello World" applications that need help being finished.
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    https://github.com/tahnik/devRant ron

    The first ist a community devrant desktop client. The second one is a music player, the goal is to make it as hackable as the atom editor. Just started with it ^^

    You can always contribute to huge OSS projects by writing unit tests or enhancing the documentation. A lot of people do not want to do those things and personally I love writing unit tests ;) always makes people happy if you help them out on tests and doc. Or, if you have any project you often use, try to contribute to it. Create new issues, discuss new features with the contributors. You do not NEED to write code to contribute to a project.
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