
In what programming language, you love to code the most?
edge case: if you don't love to code, then skip the question

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    So declarative and expressive, functional, polymorphic and equipped for generative testing
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    TypeScript. Love the tooling around it. It just gets shit done.
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    C# and SQL, sadly I keep getting forced to use javascript and Typescript though
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    Go and python atm.
    Easy to work with, and has very little boilerplate.
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    Go, love how creative I get to be
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    C and elixir, beauty in its essence
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    my all time favorites are Go, PHP, C# and TypeScript. All of these let me get shit done really fast without too much hassle.
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    love c#, it's really clean and easy to code in
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    PHP. don’t @ me.
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    Go and Python, at the moment. If I could just take the exception handling from Python (or any other OOP language) and put it in Go, it would be perfect.
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    ARM Assembly all the way, with x86 coming as a close second.
    I dunno, I just love how structured and simple arm asm can be and the fact that I don't need to do stupid jumps for a line or two of conditional commands is just <3
    But don't get me wrong, Intel has some pretty nifty commands that do like a gazillion things in just one cycle (however you want to define a cycle).

    The next layer up would be C. Yes, it takes 10x more lines of code to do a simple thing compared to any scripting language, but I like my power that I have with C. The instant you try to take away my power to dereference an arbitrary address that I previously declared to be anything the fuck I want, is the moment I lose interest in that language. C++ comes dangerously close to that threshold with some default compiler warnings though...
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