I HATE being a fullstack dev. I am responsible for everything. Its so exhausting because you cant focus on one thing.

Or its just me not being able to organize things....

  • 0
    You make drivers and browsers too? Or are you just doing a basic CRUD website...
  • 2
    Tell me your fullstack when you are doing ui/ux design, frontend, backend, dbs, devops, sysadmin and on several different stacks and languages.

    Yep, I'll wait, while I go put out yet another fire in this clusterfuck of a place.
  • 1
    @C0D4 that describes me.
    Plus a bit of react native for mobile..

    Oh well, at least I'm not managing tasks and negotiating with clients. Yet.
  • 1
    @lotd it be a small world some times.
    I don't have clients to deal with, well not really. Internal stakeholders aren't quite the same as clients but can be just as annoying in wanting to change things.
  • 0
    @C0D4 yup, especially when they go straight to your boss about it 😅
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