
I feel like a stalker now... or I invented a better Algo. Just show me the rants from the people I've followed and also the ones they've +1'd.

Sorry @sirwindfield for making u the example, but hey ur on devrant.io anyway...

But I guess this was the Twitter feature that no one wanted... o well... that's why I program, I can do whatever I want :)

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    @marodok well previously there was another thread about "following" and how devRant shouldn't be like Twitter, following users.

    I guess for me I get the best of both, on phone I use Algo; on desktop, I get to tweak the Algo with some extra stuff
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    @billgates No I meant not like twitter in that it becomes a huge race for followers and likes and it all becomes BS. Having followers is OK, just don't make it public who is following
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    @AngryDev oh ok, got it.

    Wondering though, I think it should be separate from the Notif Feed? but no space for this stuff in the mobile UI, unlike PC....
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    @calmyourtities I was wondering when someone would comment this :)

    But actually I would guess he'd see this anyway.
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    Maybe prioritising rants by users which I selected would be better option and list of prioritised users should be private.
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    Link to programm​? Is this a unofficial client? Would be cool to have a desktop client. I may make a Linux one if there isn't one.
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    @2E0PGS Windows only, n you'll need to build from source for these but @tahnik is working on a cross platform one.

    But that will be a clone of the official devRant whereas as mine is sorta like a mod
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    @billgates yep I also found the main site has a web client now.
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