  • 15
    Is SQL a "programming" language? 🤔
  • 2
    @azous technically it is...http://techrepublic.com/article/... (not saying this article is law, but makes good points)
  • 2
    @Treighton good points indeed, thanks
  • 3
    Ummmm they don't add up to 100. 🤔
  • 9
    What are they actually measuring?
    Number of "Hello world " programming questions of people who can't program?
    I don't trust these surveys
  • 4
    This survey was made available to Stack Overflow users. I guess it's pretty representative of the global standard given it's massive user base. 64000 responded to the survey.

    The bias is the user base is looking for answers, so makes perfect sense Javascript top that list 😂
  • 0
    Oh Ruby, where did we go wrong? I personally love it
  • 6
    More like order of who needs the most help 😂
  • 0
    @jonjo exactly this! Means JS is built-up so unintuitive you have to ask a lot of questions :p
  • 5
    I don't see jQuery on the list
  • 1
    @aki237 the problem is that languages like js are to easy to begin so there are a lot more people trying to learn ez languages than the complex ones and the people learning complex languages can't avoid finding solutions by there own and don't ask stack overflow why they're hello world programs are not working.
  • 1
    Why Ruby last? F me!
  • 0
    SQL eww
  • 0
    Java above c++ and c# fuck yeah! 😎😎
  • 2
    What people actually like, is more interesting: https://stackoverflow.com/insights/...

    Rust comes out on top. For some strange reason, C# is more loved than F# and Haskell. I'd wear out both my keyboard and fingers if I'd switch to C#. Anyway, as they say, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's whether you beat Java or not".
  • 0
    @sande hahahahaha nice catch. 👏
  • 0
    @thedevdevil In my opinions both have there benefits. The one that are used less could give you higher salary incentives. Where as in popular one you will have more help from community if you need any help
  • 0
    Why the fuck is c++ so low down?
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm People using c++ usually know what they are doing and don't need to quert SO.
  • 0
    @krister-alm I started c and then moved to c++ and I am extremely impressed by the language.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm I took the same route.
    Actually I started out with Turbo Pascal. Then i started using assembly.
    Have been working with both Java and the ms dialect c#. Just can't see the point. C++ solves the problems often faster.
  • 0
    @krister-alm I gave you a pretty short version. Heres an extended language route for me.

    (A version of)BASIC->

    Thats still pretty shortened but you get the idea
  • 0
    @krister-alm faster (in terms of writing and execution), more reliable and more predictable
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