
What's better than an excel sheet to keep the backlog and progress of the team?!

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    Postit's on a whiteboard ;)
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    Legal pad
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    A set of napkins!
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    Use trello, its worderful
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    @Voxera only useful for the "cool company" photo. Better anyways
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    Our backlog is also an Excel sheet. We hate it! Every one must close it, when our product owner want to edit something. Feels like living in the stone age. πŸ˜•
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    @dprinz the good thing is you can personalize it a you want. Has some functions too.. but for integration you should manage the apis.
    Do you have something automated or all manually?
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    @nperrin sry, had an devrant free weekend. πŸ€”We have some macros, but the biggest downside for us, is that collaboration of multiple people is not possible. We have one backlog for two teams. πŸ™ƒ
    What did you automate?
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    @dprinz nothing. We just replace excel with github board
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    That would be too easy my friendπŸ˜‰
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