I was finally happy with my mySQL setup for my project.

Then I found out neo4j exists...


  • 1
    devRant uses Neo4J as well! What's so good about it by the way, wondering now 😃
  • 0
    @linuxxx well I'm hardly an expert, but here's my 2 cents. It's graph based, and what they say (and I definitely agree with) is that it allows you to represent data much more naturally, and get better insights. For example, before I had to have a separate table for my users that used the telegram interface, with their username, and telegram chat id. To find out if a user used telegram, I had to check the username and check if it was in the telegram table. Now the user node just has a relationship with the telegram node, and the relationship itself contains information about their telegram profile. Super cool.
  • 1
    @willbeddow Can't wrap my mind about this yet but I'll look up some stuff, thanks!
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    @linuxxx No problem! I just realized that explanation was pretty long winded, sorry. tl;dr it's a graph instead of a table.
  • 1
    @willbeddow Thats alright haha, still have to get my head around graph databases anyways xD
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