
I got a project to "refactor" some shitty site. It was written in nativ php. The guy who wrote this is a moron.
The site is so unsecure that my dog could broke into it while barking at cats.

It's sooo unreadable and illogical.
Every time i look at the code i get sadder and sadder. And now i understand why so many people hate php..

**Jump in time**
After i planned the new logic. My boss told me i can't do any of this. Because they only need a new user lever..
Now i just stare at this pile of horse sh*t and rant about it.

  • 12
    Had something similar 2 years ago
    A new client who owns a web shop wanted his frontend redone. Frontend and backend built in hieroglyphics and I couldn't understand anything. So I told my boss it's easier and faster to rebuild the whole website but the client didn't have enough money and only wanted the front end done.
    So I finally finished the frontend 2,5 months later then planned because it was such a pain in the ass to build the new frontend and keep the backend working.
    And of course the client isn't happy with the result and starts nagging en being a pain in the ass.
    But a year later he wanted the back end redone (as I expected). So now I had to build a backend which was compatible with the shitty frontend because the frontend had to be compatible with the shitty backend.
    So now about 2 years after the start of building the frontend I am about to deploy the new backend.
    So much wasted time and money only because the client wouldn't listen.
    Sorry if it's a bit long :(
  • 1
    @ikwilkoffie This should be promoted to a rant in its own rite.
  • 2
    Not even xss protection?

    PS welcome to devRant!
    You're a natural!
  • 1
    For this reason I feel there should a tool like ReSharper for PHP to refactor shitty code!
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