
Dear Prestashop developers, f**k YOU!

I already hate this shitfuck what you call the best open source e-commerce solution, but your module validation technique sucks.

They use tons of useless rules, but the last addition was the last drop: they force you to use the old (and long) array declaration.

So now I have 500 new errors in this fucking module.

Why the fuck do you want me to force an old syntax?

  • 1
    Is it their code sniffer that returns checkstyle errors or you get PHP errors due to the new array syntax? If it's the later, it would be more likely that your PHP version is at fault than them.
  • 0
    @paulwillyjean It's about their code sniffer...
  • 1
    Be very careful with their Addons store. You constantly have to abide to new (undocumented) rules. Before you know it you have wasted hours and hours, just for the next rejection.
    Their declines are completely random btw. This is because the real developers have been replaced by interns and/or marketeers who have to follow a simplified checklist (esp. the validator) without any programming knowledge. So if their f**ked up codesniffer doesn't like your code, then that's a valid reason for them to reject your module. Madness!!!
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