
I need a "follow this user" function.

Some users absolutely killing it when they rant. I want to get notified when they do so.

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    Good idea, especially since I can count on two hands the users who actually post rants.
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    @Letmecode also preventing it from being public removes the risk of devRant turning into devTwitter
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    @AngryDev - Agreed. Worst thing that could happen would be for "follower count" to be added to your profile. I love devRant in part because it doesn't have the bullshit that facebutt and twittershit have.
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    @Letmecode the CIA will know.
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    @AngryDev @Swifticus I definitely don't want devRant to be a Twitter for devs. I just like the way some people rant or comment. Right now I have to go to their profile to see if they posted something.
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    @H4u60r3, yeah I get that and think it's a cool idea as long as the # of followers is kept private. Last thing we need is devs posting "sponsored content" because a lot of people are following them.
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    Yes please!
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    This would be awesome!
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    @dfox @trogus this right here! Would be great


    I miss "h3ll". She was a great ranter, and i'm curious about the developments on 'operation pinecone'... Anyone knows what happened to her?
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    Good idea. But just to follow some users. No listing, no info, nothing. Just follow a user. :p
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    @h3ll what happened to you matey
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    I've been trying to figure out the same thing!
    I miss her awesome rants.
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    @mk3d so not an options menu like this?

    I do have a right-click shortcut to follow the OP of a rant. But the issue I found was... I end up basically following everyone.
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    @QuantumAtom I think she deleted her profile? clicking on @h3ll doesn't do anything anymore
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    It could be either that or she changed her name. I don't see why she would change her name though.
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    @QuantumAtom Even if she changed her name her ranting style is pretty recognizable...
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    I'd love if there was a features section like in iFunny. The rants voting at a fast rate get featured so you always have good, reliable content. I suppose they would come out every six hours or so it would be practical…
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    Yeah I agree. Which is why she must be gone.😔
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    @billgates Just a button on the profile page to "star" some great user. Get a list with their rants. And a little list to manage the "stared" users. Simple and efficace? Not?
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    @mk3d hm i guess... treat each user as a Rant, when you subscribe basically adding a comment and when he posts, its also a comment, so u get some sort of notification.... yea guess that'd work, just a bit of copy paste
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    Well finally got around to adding it to mine, along with some other fixes... now just need to see if it works...
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    We are planning to implement something very close to this. For its initial form it will probably just be follow a user and then you get a notif whenever they post a rant.

    Thanks for the suggestion!
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    @AngryDev just curious, seen a few rants asking about people that've gone missing. What's the big deal?

    Honestly, if you look at the really old rants, a lot of the posters have gone AWOL.
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    @billgates it's just because certain community members (like h3ll) posted very high quality rants and are amazing to read so when they go AWOL we are sad
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