Hey guys which OS do you think is better for programming?

  • 7
    Depends on what your target is
  • 1
    Windows -> kali/mint vm for linux users -> mac os sierra vm inside Linux vm
    Just get windows it is good for opening other os's in vm
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    No linux cux not unity
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    Welcome to devRant whatever os u r.
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    @CozyPlanes thanks, I use Windows but the console is very bad so I am trying Ubuntu, which u r?
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    Antergos + i3 window manager + urxvt Terminal + vim/Jetbrains IDE
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    I guess it depends on the programming language and runtime. If you want to work with the dotNET framework I guess you should Windows 😂
    But for most other languages Linux / Unix systems are probably better
  • 4
    With whichever OS you can be most productive. Don't believe the kids who "hate" one OS. You will make a pathetic impression on any decent professional, if you start participating in the "OS war".
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    Depends on what field of programming you are interested, and wich OS suits you, I as a web dev I cannot find myself more happy and pump up with Manjaro, so I recommend you try different OS to see which one you are comfortable with
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    Ubuntu 16.04
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    Welcome to devrant

    I still use windows but i seem to be more effective when working on linux
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    Try TempleOS or Windows 9 😅😉
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    Osx is good, I'm semi forced into using to for iOS development, but just started getting into Linux and it makes me feel legit. 😎
  • 2
    Shut the fuck up and start programming wherever you want and whatever you have. Use a fucking potato Os if you want but atleast start coding....! U will thank me later when u will realize u didn't waste time on thinking which os which ide which editor. When are proficient enough go for specific things.
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    Thanks @Haxk20 I just wanted to know because is very hard for me to develop on python using windows cmd, so I am trying Ubuntu 16.04
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    @JorgeOsorio should have said so, try eclipse's pydev plugin
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    Thanks @RazorSh4rk I will, I am trying every possible option to see which suits me best
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    Any Unix-based system, regardless of if it has a GUI or not. If I can run Emacs and a shell, and the system is (mostly) POSIX-compliant, I'm happy.
  • 1
    Do you want to start a war? Because that's how you start a war
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