
Have a somewhat good game idea/concept...

Have no experience with game engines...

This could take a while

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    go for it!
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    Just do it!
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    Whats the idea?
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    @GhostMonkey Summarized: A Puzzle Game including features from Gravity rush and FFXV.

    Note: I had this Idea before either game was announced, but had no idea how to properly code at that time
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    @Awlex Still a cool idea. Good luck mate!!
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    @Awlex what is your tech stack? maybe you need some help? ;)
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    @palemajki Well, it's simply Unity. It's such a weird feeling when you want to implement stuff yourself and the game enigine has that already included. Need to get used to this, but this shouldn't be a problem for one person. Maybe later on level designers, because I suck at stuff like that.
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    @Awlex feel free to write to me :) and things you've mentioned it's just a matter of not inventing a wheel for the second time. thanks to all the things included in unity you can focus on creating rather than on mechanics.
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    Was in the same place 5 months ago. Started with Unity and a commitment to put atleast half an hour to my game everyday. Made a basic version in a month. Just go out and do it.
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    @Awlex if you have no idea how to use unity you might get frustrated but it's worth it !
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