god i wish that was me

  • 2
    We might be small..
    We might be one of the most corrupt euro country..
    But we do have this kwerks..
    BTW Portugal also has one of the best internet for 30 years.. But is also one of the most expensive ones.
  • 2
    *also 99% cellphone coverage since 2g, if there's a village with 10 people in the middle of no were you have cell coverage
  • 6
    I really don't understand why some people let their boss fuck them in the ass. In 30 years I've never had phone calls or texts out of hours, unless I've been on call (which hasn't happened since 1st January 2000, when I got paid a ridiculous amount in case the world stopped running) and any emails are not read until I'm back online.

    It's not a country thing either, I've worked with others in the UK who have let the boss shaft them.

    But great for Portugal, one of my favourite countries in Europe.
  • 1
    My manager gave me his phone in case I needed him. I needed his help in workplace but never called.
  • 2
    While this is a good news, corporates can and will easily find a work around to this by introducing a clause of all employees should be available on call all the time.

    That's the simplest and easiest solution my dumb mind can think of.
  • 1
    @Floydimus if they copied from Germany it is not that easy. Germany has this for a long time. Stupid workarounds are already debugged
  • 1
    Yeah mindwash the peasants with this nonsense while keeping wages low and taxes high (:
  • 1
    @hjk101 funny I did not get the notif.
  • 1
    Every time my boss bothers me outside hours, I ignore them until working hours. I have scolded bosses over texting my personal phone number when I don't respond to email after hours.
  • 1
    @ostream that's the easiest way of getting people aggro at work. they won't say anything about it, but the passive aggressive bs begins, because you're "not a team player"
  • 1
    @Floydimus in Brazil you have to become a "funcionário de confiança"(trusted employee) to be on call 24/7, and the company has to pay a considerable % on top of your salary. But in practice, if you're a really critical regular employee, you will get called anyways.
  • 0
    Or just a thought you could just not pick up instead of running to your government with every single thing resulting in almighty regime that you need to ask for permission before you sneeze?
    You realize that gov clerks who will be enforcing this law need to be paid somehow, aka more taxes? Just because someone doesn't know how DND on their phone works.
  • 0
    @ostream i agree with you, but if we do that the internal culture rips us to shreds. gotta play the game
  • 0
    @ostream every place is the same
  • 1
    Now... For the reverse....
    The reason Portugal gov had to make such law is because 90% of the bosses and company owners in Portugal got stuck in 1940s, where employees were slaves.
    As a prof I present my burnout.
  • 0
    a major pet peeve is Whatsapp groups ringing at 22h during the weekend
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