On a scale from 1-100,where do yau rate your programming skills??! Im at 67, maybe

  • 9
    1% cause there is no end to learning in programing when you reach master level in one technology 4 more mature when you master them the one technology that you mastered first either gets updated where you're a beginner again or becomes outdated
  • 0
    @jckimble yeah, but once you know one thing, its easier to learn new things
  • 1
    @linuxer4fun the learning curve grows fast but massivly slows down
  • 1
    @linuxer4fun yeah true core fundamentals do make it easier but you still need to learn best practices for the language that you are learning which may change over time while you are learning other things. Which is usually why I tell new devs to pick a stack and stick with it weither it be lamp, lemp, mean, etc cause as soon as you try to master them all you become a master of none
  • 6
    A scale of 1-100 is just -99 by itself so ill rate myself -99
  • 1
    Other than that, around 10
  • 3
    42, like life....

  • 2
  • 2
    Less than 0
  • 2
    Calculating it using hoard of data from my past and then running numpy all over it for utmost precision... I get the number 17.463692022.
  • 2
    Around 69 probably
  • 1
    Depends on what stage of the project I'm in. When I'm stuck on something i feel like 1, but when I'm finished the project I feel like 100.
  • 2
    @thedev best answer ever!!!
  • 1
  • 1
    I'm my field? Maybe 30-40. In all of technology ever? I rounded to 0
  • 0
    NaN due to imposter syndrome, ever-expanding fields, etc.

    But specifically problem solving? I'd guess 82.
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