
I worked in a bad script coding company for two years. Money was ok but the stress was too much for me. I am not made for that.
I basically had burnout and boreout at once. I got fired last year and am unemployed since then. Do you have an advice how I can make some money (just enough for rent and other necessary stuff) with less stress while developing software (preverably from home)? My impression of freelancing is that you have to be the cheapest and work harder than everyone else.
I'm living in germany if that matters.

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    Start your own service company maybe? Find a service locals actually need, and create that.
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    Not all companies are stressful. Find a larger one, preferrably in the public sector (council or governement), and apply for a job there.
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    Not sure if you are interested but check out remote work position on LinkedIn or other job portal. Things might be different at the place you live. It just might work out. Best of luck
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    Are you saying that heavy workloads and burnout are more prevalent in small companies?


    I want to avoid working in highly stressful environment even if I have to settle for less money to get it.
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    I'm interested in doing a bit of small-scale freelancing just to see how I like it, having left my job this summer.
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    @cho-uc Nope, but bigger companies are naturally more slow moving and usually have bigger budgets with more players. In a small company it could be just you and one or two more devs, and easy for the PM to whip your ass. In a bigger company it's less one-on-one and therefore impossible for them to be on your case all the time. Unless you work for some dickhead that still manages to follow up each and every one.

    Bigger companies and bigger budgets mean your little salary and output is less significant, giving you less hounding.
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